Bohdan Prykhodko

Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University

Bohdan Prykhodko was born and raised in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. Studied in Kyiv National Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University as a director.

The main topics that the director explores are related to how war affects a person, how it makes them change and find inner strength. This focus appeared in 2021 and is still relevant today.

The director is also interested in finding a new Ukrainian regional identity for people from Sloboda Ukraine: what is it? who are its carriers? how is this identity expressive? has the tradition remained there or has it been erased by Russification?

In addition to filmmaking, he volunteers in the Sloboda Ukraine region, and runs cultural and ethnological projects in the Eastern Ukraine. 
lightland (2026, director), Commemoration (2022, director), Grey Zone (2022, director), Oh brave new home (2023, director), Accident (2024, director)

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