Ganna Iaroshevych

director, editor
University of Sussex
Ganna Iaroshevych works as a filmmaker and communication strategist in Ukraine. She has a BA in Journalism and an MA in Creative Media Practice, which she earned at the University of Sussex in 2014. While studying in the UK, she worked as a freelance video maker and editor for TV and independent film projects.

Since 2014, Ganna has been working for Babylon’13 as a film director and editor. She has completed 10 short documentaries for their YouTube channel (which has more than 60,000 subscribers), and some of them were selected for national film festivals and cinema screenings. As far as possible is her first feature-length documentary which she has been working on for the past four years.

2014 — Hospital, short documentary, Babylon'13;
2015 — Diana, short documentary, Babylon'13;
2015 — Where's Our Home?, short documentary, Babylon'13;
2015 — One Year in Izum, short documentary, Babylon'13.
As far as possible (2020, director, producer)

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