DocEdu Foundation

Pl. Zwycięstwa 2d/2 90-312 Lodz, Poland
Web Page

DocEdu Foundation is a group of experienced documentarians and, for several years now, they have been supporting young filmmakers from Poland and from abroad who are at the beginning of their careers. Since 2011, the company has been doing this as part of the film and educational initiatives: World from Dawn till Dusk, Young People About Themselves, Young People About Ukraine, My World in the Times of Plague. In 2017, based on this experience, it created a comprehensive program named Young Europe which supports the production of original documentary films. DocEdu try to help young creators at the development stage of their projects, screenplay writing, trailer editing, etc. At the same time, the community realizes how difficult it is to go from an idea to its implementation. That is why they help find funds for production, advise during shooting and editing, support the distribution of finished films and promote them at festivals.

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