The Days I Would Like to Forget (Дні, які хочеться забути)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
French, Ukraine, Austria
Amharic, Ukrainian, Serbian, Russian, German, English
Web Page

Film triptych of three parts – MILITANTROPOS, PALINGENESION, and COSMOMORPHOSIS, observes how the war in Ukraine changes humans and space and affects the world. Different personal experiences combine a holistic collective one, showing war’s influence and presence on all levels of existence. 

Triptych of three 70-minute parts, each exploring different phenomena of the war connected to each other by sense, artistic, and visual approaches.

The first part, MILITANTROPOS, investigates the powerful impact of war on personal behavior. Change of perception of death is a focus of the second part of the triptych called PALINGENESION. Through the personal stories of several people, we combine the collective experience and acceptance of Ukrainians' common grief. From the individual memory of the second part we move to the collective memory in the third one, COSMOMORPHOSIS. There we investigate the link between the war in Ukraine and the rest of the world. 

Production: Eugene Rachkovsky
Сo-production: Ralph Wieser (Mischief Films), Nabil Bellahsene (Les Valseurs Bordeaux)
Script: Alina Gorlova, Yelizaveta Smith, Simon Mozgovyi, Maksym Nakonechnyi
DOP: Viacheslav Tsvietkov, Khrystyna Lizogub, Denis Melnik
Already engaged financial partners and funds: MG - Square Eyes, Sundance Documentary Fund, ESFUF, ARTE Germany and SWR, Ministry of Culture Austria, Austrian Film Institute, Vienna Film Fund, Austrian Film Fund , MEDIA, Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Filmboost Germany, SüdKultur Fonds, Visions Sud Est, IDF Bertha Fund, Gotebourg fund, IWM: Documenting Ukraine
Point of contact:
Participant at Berlinale Talents - Talent Lab section – Doc Station (2023), VdR–Industry - Visions du Réel - Won the Visions sud est - VSEAward (2023), Special mention at IDFA Forum - Rought cut presentations (2023)

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