Nice Ladies

Production Status
In Development
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Ukraine, Netherlands
Ukrainian, Russian

Nice Ladies, a team of elderly cheerleaders from Eastern Ukraine, is about to compete in the European championship. However, they have to win not only against their younger competitors in the category 25+, but also against biases, the challenging economic situation, ageism and social pressure at home.

Twice a week, a group of women aged 49 to 73, called Nice Ladies, gather at the sports hall of the Kharkiv University: together they are preparing a strong show for the European Cheerleading Championship. They belong to the category of Masters 25+, facing much younger competitors. However, the pressure of complying with their social roles of passive babushkas, caretakers, obedient wives, conforming colleagues, and women at the “sunset of their lives,” alongside with the country’s weak social security and challenging economic situation, biases and ageism, loneliness and health constraints, seem like an even stronger enemy for them. Will the Nice Ladies pick up the battle?

Production: Rogier Kramer
Script: Mariia Ponomarova
DOP: Sveta Aparina
Sound: Karina Rezhevska
Co-production: Tabor Poduction
Total budget: €348707
Confirmed Financing: €3000
Point of contact:
Ex Oriente Film (2020), East Doc Platform (2021)

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