The Elf’s Tower (Ельфова вежа)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Ukraine, Poland
Ukrainian, Polish

Those who happen to get into a mental health institution strive to leave it as soon as possible. Having come here, Serhiy doesn’t just stay there; he starts his own theatre.

Those who happen to get into a mental health institution strive to leave it as soon as possible. Having come here, Serhiy doesn’t just stay there; he starts his own theatre. This is a theatre where patients act on the stage alongside amateur teens and even his own children. They all work together at staging a play written by one of the patients, called The Elf's Tower. Serhiy is an elf from a metaphorical tale; when he entered the hospital, he saw not just patients, not mentally challenged people, but unique, special people. He rips them out of the cage of prejudice. But is it easy to be an elf in real life?

Directing: Polina Kelm
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian state film fund, Berta Fund (Netherlands), TVP (Poland)
Point of contact:
East Silver Caravan Award at Beldocs 2020.

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