Women Occupied (Окуповані)

Production Status
Work in Progress
Year of starting production
Release Date
Country(ies) of (co)production
Ukraine, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian, Ukrainian, German

A journey through the lives of three women from Ukraine, Bosnia and Germany revealing how they manage to overcome the trauma of rape at war while also searching for justice as they regain their strength and dignity.

Women Occupied is a poignant journey through the lives of Liudmyla, Elisa, and Sabina—women from Ukraine, Germany, and Bosnia—who manage to overcome the trauma of wartime sexual violence. The film explores their personal path from trauma to healing, emphasizing strength, dignity, and the pursuit of justice.

Wartime sexual violence, a weapon used globally, intentionally aims to degrade and obliterate civilian populations. Amidst the media's focus on shocking crime details, the film Women Occupied addresses the personal stories of survivors, bridging the gap with empathy.

DOP: Olena Kyrychenko
Total budget: €318160
Confirmed Financing: €235000
Already engaged financial partners and funds: Ukrainian Cultural Fund (Ukraine), IWM Documenting Ukraine Grant (Ukraine), VIDNOVA writing grant (Ukraine), ESFUF - European Solidarity Fund For Ukrainian Film Development (Ukraine), SWR/Arte - broadcast co-production (Germany)
Pre-sold Territories: Germany, France

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