In the occupied Ukrainian territories, Russia eradicates everything that is Ukrainian. In the years of the occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions, Ukraine has lost major cultural layers and values. Difficult socioeconomic and security circumstances make the situation even worse. In these conditions, Ukraine faces the challenge of not only rapid economic and social integration, but also cultural and historic de-occupation.
In this public reading, we will talk with the books about:
How do we return the identity and values denied by the myths of Soviet and Russian propaganda to the East and its residents?
What should be the model of development of cultural environments in cities, towns and villages, which would allow people to feel like a part of the Ukrainian and European cultural space?
What should the government’s cultural policy in the East be like?
Oleksiy Mustafin, publicist, historian, media manager, author of the book Pearls in the Steppe. Conversations about the past of the Ukrainian South;
Maksym Vikhrov, journalist, writer, author of the book Wild East. An essay of the history and present of the Donbas.
Stanislav Aseyev, journalist, publicist and writer.
Yevhen Pavliukovsky, journalist.