Patrizia Mancini

Patrizia Mancini began working for Sunny Side of the Doc as the International Development Officer in november 2017. She arrived in France at the end of 2010 after earning a master in History and Criticism of Cinema at the University of Rome. With a professional background in theatre and dubbing, she started an internship in Paris at CHALET POINTU, a French DVD distribution company specialized in short films. With the preparation of the second edition of the Festival Européen des Arcs, organized by the same team, she had a chance to extend her collaboration until July 2011. In October 2011, she started her second internship at the servicing department of WIDE HOUSE, a French sales company specialized in documentaries. Then she became a part of the company as a Servicing and Marketing Manager. At the end of 2012, she began working in sales at multiple markets and festivals, becoming then Head of Sales. At the end of 2016, she left WIDE HOUSE, and after some experience as a selector for PARIS CO-PRODUCTION VILLAGE, an industry event in collaboration with Champs Elysée Film Festival, she started working with the Italian sales company SLINGSHOT FILMS, collaborating with Manuela Buono in sales and acquisitions.