There is a kind of country, tiny, so small that it resembles a theatre set. It is inhabited two or three times per day by its people. The inhabitants are small as well. Even if they live under certain laws, they repeatedly call them into question, which leads them to fight violently with each other. This country is called ‘the Playground’ and its people ‘the Children’. When the Children go into the Playground, they discover and feel the ‘force of sentiment or human servitude’ – this is called ‘Playtime’.
Claire Simon was born in London. She first worked as an editor, and then shot several short films and documentaries before making her first feature film, A Foreign Body, in 1997. In addition to working as a director and screenwriter, Claire Simon is a cinematographer and actress.
Récréations (1992), At All Costs (1995), A Foreign Body (1997), 800 km of Difference (2001), Mimi (2002), On Fire (2006), God’s Offices (2008), Gare du Nord (2013), Human Geography (2013), The Woods Dreams Are Made Of (2015), The Competition (2016), Young Solitude (2018)