How does documentary cinema help to discuss specific issues in the community, becoming an effective tool for successful human rights campaigns?
Last year, during the Travelling Docudays UA Film Festival, civic activists held events for the All-Ukrainian Campaign against Cyberbullying. Among them there were screenings of Bully by the American director Lee Hirsch which provoked lively discussions. How have teachers, parents and teens reacted to the film? How have their thoughts changed after watching it? Join the event to find out about this.
This event is supported by the US Embassy in Ukraine.
Oleh Okhredko, regional coordinator of the ALMENDA Centre for Civic Education NGO;
Olena Mirkhaydarova, head of the Successful Interaction NGO
Aliona Hlazkova, Project Manager at NGO Kremenchuk Information and Education Center European Club.
Moderator: Olena Shulha, manager of DOCU/CLUBs in education institutions.