In Ukraine, about 300,000 school graduates pass the external independent testing (EIT) exam every year, which allows them to apply for places at higher education institutions. Research showed a direct correlation between students’ test results and their social and financial status: according to CEDOS, 38% of rural students did not enroll in universities in 2017.
The iLearn platform, with its open online courses and webinars for preparation to the EIT, was created to ensure that all students in Ukraine have the opportunity to enrol in the universities of their dreams, regardless of their place of residence, school or social status. Its special feature is gamification –elements of games that interest and motivate students to learn. At this event, you will find out what ‘learnbucks’ are, and how they encourage users to study on the iLearn online platform.
Organisers: Osvitoriya NGO
Oleksandr Papish, Education Projects Manager at Osvitoria Civil Union, Project Manager of the iLearn platform;
Olha Yurchyshyn, Charity Projects Manager at Osvitoria Civil Union.