Organisers: NGO Truth Hounds
New research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which focused on studying 126,000 true and false stories, showed that falsehoods were retweeted 1 to 100,000 times, on average. The truth barely reached 1000 retweets.
The war in the Donbas is so entangled in disinformation that it is often practically impossible to find the truth. That is why the documenters of war crimes from the Ukrainian human rights organisation Truth Hounds have chosen the search for truth as their purpose. At the Festival, they will organise interactive seminars where they will tell the participants about their field work near the front line as they collected evidence of war crimes and searched for the perpetrators. The documenters from Truth Hounds will tell the audience how they investigated the attacks against Ukraine from Russian territory in the Luhansk region in summer 2014, how they determined where the shots were fired from, and how they verified the collected data.
The participants will be able to apply the knowledge and tools in practice and check the facts in several cases provided by the documenters.
Roman Avramenko, director of the Truth Hounds NGO, who spent more than a year in field missions in the Donbas and Crimea;
Dmytro Koval, specialist in international law;
‘Chuha,’ Truth Hounds analyst;
‘The Eighth,’ leader of the Truth Hounds field missions;
‘Murka,’ Truth Hounds documenter.