
Alexander Glyadyelov

Photographer. Since the mid-80s, he has been self-educating in photography, and has worked as a professional independent photographer since 1989. Glyadelov has worked in Europe, Middle Asia, Africa, and the USA; he has covered armed conflicts in Moldova, where he was injured, in Nagorny Karabakh, in Chechnya and Ukraine, where he was injured again. Since 1996, he has focused on long-term documentary photo projects, presenting his works in exhibition form. Since 1997 until now, Glyadelov has been actively cooperating with the international humanitarian organisation Medecins Sans Frontières. His photographs have been used by such international organisations as MSF, HRW, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, UNICEF. His awards include the Grand-Prix of Ukrpressphoto-97, the Hasselblad Award at the European photography competition in Vevey, Switzerland Images'98; the Mother Jones 2001 Medal of Excellence at the International Documentary Photography Foundation in San Francisco, USA; Moving Walls 2002 by the Open Society Institute (OSI) in New York, USA, and others. He is the author of more than 30 personal exhibitions in different countries, and has published three books.