Fiction and animation films under 60 seconds in length are allowed to participate. Preference will be given to a laconic story related to the film festival, independent cinema, Kyiv, etc. All submitted works will be put on the Molodist Youtube channel and the best of them will be shown on the large screen before the screenings. Authors of the best teasers will be granted the guest accreditation and access to all the festival events.
Deadline for submissions is October 1, 2013. The works will be evaluated by the selection committee of the festival.
Technical requirements: .avi format, H.264 compression, size 1920x1080 and higher, audio: 48 kHz, separate file.
Maximum credits duration 2 seconds. Credits may include partners' and sponsors' logos.
Molodist IFF reserves the right to place credits with festival's partners and technical information at the end of the teaser.
For registration and other questions, send a message marked "Teaser" to program(at)
Please include the director's photo and the names of the film crew in the letter.