While traveling among people and objects we discover a world usually considered as ugly and unattractive. This dream-like journey is not a dream. Who are the people in this ‘big aquarium’? And what is our attitude towards them? Is it possible to detect any visual beauty at all in empty or cluttered rooms, with their occupants of all ages running around, reading a book, brewing coffee and making noises as they move among all kinds of beeping appliances, blaring TVs and radios? This short visual journey through various households shows just how lively, unique and atmospheric these places can be. It's as if we're secretly watching different scenes in a dolls’ house. So, who are the people in this cinematic aquarium? Are they aware of us, the voyeurs? What is their relationship with each other? And how should we relate to their experimental dream journey in what is perhaps the most visually underrated of all locations – home?